
Monday, 11 November 2013

Moisturizing Really Dry Hair

If your dreadfully dry hair is giving you fits, you may need to be a little bit inventive and unorthodox in your approach to caring for it. Forget for the time being all of the products that you find in the store, which promise to bring life and moisture back to your hair---but never do. Approach the situation differently for a change. 


  • 1 Try a natural moisturizer, such as jojoba oil, you can leave the jojoba in overnight or put it in temporarily and then wash it out. Jojoba oil is pronounced "ho-HO-bah." The oil is the liquid wax that is produced in the seed of the jojoba plant. Jojoba is considered an excellent moisturizer.
  • 2 Grab an egg and get started, as explained by Mix honey with two eggs, olive oil and lemon and apply to your dry hair. Leave it on while you are bathing and then wash out. Just use eggs: Whip the egg yolks and whites in a blender and put this concoction on your head for about 15 minutes; then rinse it out. notes that anyone who is in the water a lot can benefit from applying one egg, mixed with a peeled and chopped cucumber and olive oil, to her hair. Spread the mixture on your hair and let it set for 10 minutes before washing out. All of these techniques are designed to put moisture back into your hair. However, if you are allergic to eggs, you need to avoid these applications.
  • 3 Consider giving yourself a hot-oil treatment. According to an article on written by Ken Chisholm, you can make your own hot-oil treatment by using 1/4 cup of soybean or canola oil or any vegetable oil. Warm the oil and then apply it to your wet hair. Rinse it out, wash, and your dry hair should be a lot shinier as a result.
  • 4 Peel and mash an avocado and then mix it with some canola oil. Avocados are rich in essential fatty acids and proteins, and are great for conditioning and moisturizing your hair, according to
  • 5 Combine lemon with an egg yolk, olive oil and honey. Mix the ingredients and use as a hair masque. This should help repair your dry and damaged hair, according to

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