
Monday 9 December 2013

Are You Accidentally Ruining Your Hair?

We're not ashamed to say we'd shell out a pretty penny for any lotion, potion, or tool that promised to transform our hair into forever luscious, lustrous locks. In fact, over the course of our lives, we've devoted a significant amount of our time and income to said cause.

So, imagine how shocked we were to discover we'd been thwarting our own efforts, if only because of some pesky hair-care habits we just couldn't seem to shake — until now. The Huffington Post has scared us straight, so to speak, calling dirty hairbrushes "breeding grounds for bacteria" and giving us more than enough reason to start cleaning our brushes on the reg.

We'll also 'fess up to committing another beauty crime: being not so gentle with our post-shower hair. We know not to brush it, but don't always follow the 80% air dry, 20% blow dry rule described here — turns out we might be doing our hair an even greater disservice than we thought. 


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